Wake up! Now is the time! Wake up! Time is running out! Wake up! Sing God’s praises and realize your destiny. Karma makes you sleepy. Dharma wakes you up. Wake up! Leave your errors behind you. Practice Raj Yoga. Now is the time! Wake up! Yogi Bhajan - Furmaan Khalsa, 1989 The times are shaking us to wake up. They are challenging us to drop our past karmas and live in Dharma. The key point in the law of karma is self-responsibility in all we say, think and do. At every moment we have the choice to create our future.
In order to fully understand the Yogic philosophy of life/death, it is necessary to explore the concepts of Karma (fate), Dharma (destiny) and Reincarnation. All Eastern paths acknowledge the theory of karma and the transmigration of souls from one form of life to another, until all karmas have been completed, and they are ready to be united with their Creator.
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